2 土梅伴我成長:美好的新世界(doc)










2 土梅伴我成長:美好的新世界(doc)
2、Brave New World Welcome to year 2001. To many Americans, it has a nice, familiar ring since much of our culture revolves around forecasting the new millennium, this fascinating time of great social and technological developments. Growing up in the 80's and the 90's, I remember reading books and watching movies set in the amazing 21st century. People dressed in biosuits, babies born in laboratories, cars travelling through air, and the moon has become our favorite vacation spot. These incredible images used to fill my young mind with excitement. I would lie awake at night, thinking how slowly time moved, wondering if I'd live to see the 21st century. (Keep in mind I was only ten
2 土梅伴我成長:美好的新世界(doc)


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