









消費(fèi)者行z?(90OW年度第二OW期) TIME: Wednesdays 2:10-5:00 PLACE:貳205 INSTRUCTORS: 緎乃華 Office: 貳608 Tel: 23630231 ext. 3743 e-mail: lien@mba.ntu.edu.tw TEXTBOOK:Blackwell, Roger D., Paul W. Miniard, and James F. Engel (2001), Consumer Behavior, Harcourt. (華泰代理) COURSE WEBSITE: GRADING: Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam 20% Individual Assignments 30% Team Project 20% Class Participation 10% NOTE: 1. The exams may include multiple choice and essay questions drawing from the text, lectures, team project presentations, and class discussions. There will be no make-up exams, except in case of illness and provided you notify the instructor prior to exam time. 2. Assignments are due at the beginning of the assigned date. Late work is subject to a 4/5 grade penalty. 3. Separate handouts and class announcements will provide more details regarding the assignments and team project. CLASS SCHEDULE: (subject to change) |DATE |TOPIC |TEXT READING | |2/20/2002 |NO CLASS | | |2/27 |Introduction |Chapter 1 & 2 | |3/6 |Consumer Decision Making Process|Chapter 3 | | |I: Need Recognition and Search | | |3/13 |Consumer Decision Making II: |Chapter 4 | | |Evaluation | | |3/20 |Consumer Decision Making III: |Chapter 6 | | |Post-Purchase Process | | |3/27 |Motivation |Chapter 8 | | |Knowledge |Chapter 9 | |4/3 |NO CLASS (spring break) | | |4/10 |Perception |Chapter 14 | |4/17 |Learning |Chapter 15 | | | |(pp.461-464) & Chapter| | | |16 | |4/24 |Attitude Formation and Change |Chapter 10 | | | |Chapter 15 (pp. | | | |464-481) | |5/1 |MIDTERM EXAM | | |5/8 |Demographics, Psychographics, |Chapter 7 | | |Personality | | |5/15 |Culture, Ethnicity, and Social |Chapter 11 | | |Class | | |5/22 |Family and Household Influences |Chapter 12 | |5/29 |Group and Personal Influences |Chapter 13 | |6/5 |Team Project Presentations | | |6/19 |FINAL EXAM | | Purchase Journal Entries: The point of these assignments is to have you introspect on your own behavior and the reasons for it as a way of realizing the complex processes through which consumers go in order to reach a decision. Please pick a product about which you have made a recent decision, and think about the processes you went through to get there. What were the influences on you? The deciding factors? I have attached an example at the end of this syllabus. The product doesn’t have to be complex or expensive, and please analyze your behavior using concepts from the course wherever possible. I would expect most of the entries to be 2-3 pp. long (typed, double-spaced, please). Team Project: In groups of four or five, I would like you to pick an industry and examine consumer behavior in that industry more closely. Who are the consumers, and how are they segmented? Can they be described by income, age, social class, culture, family status, lifestyle? How do consumers in this market make decisions about their purchases? How have marketers in this industry attempted to reach consumers, and what impact has this had on their buying behavior? How effective have marketers been overall? What might they do to improve their connection with consumers? Be sure that you consider all aspects of consumer behavior. You may have to define your industry rather narrowly to avoid having this become a runaway project (i.e., teen clothing, as opposed to apparel in general). The output of this study should be an oral presentation, 20 minutes long. I expect this to be presented as if you were a consulting team speaking to industry executives, advising them on how to do a better job of understanding and attracting their customers. You will also turn in a 10- 15 page group paper (appendices may be added to this). It should be written as a consulting report to management.


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