A A-weighted sound pressure level||A聲級 absolute humidity||絕對濕度 absolute roughness||絕對粗糙度 absorbate 吸收質 absorbent 吸收劑 absorbent||吸聲材料 absorber||吸收器 absorptance for solar radiation||太陽輻射熱吸收系數(shù) absorption equipment||吸收裝置 absorption of gas and vapor||氣體吸收 absorptiong refrige rationg cycle||吸收式制冷循環(huán) absorption-type refrigerating machine||吸收式制冷機 access door||檢查門 acoustic absorptivity||吸聲系數(shù) actual density||真密度 actuating element||執(zhí)行機構 actuator||執(zhí)行機構 adaptive control system||自適應控制系統(tǒng) additional factor for exterior door||外門附加率 additional factor for intermittent heating||間歇附加率 additional factor for wind force||高度附加率 additional heat loss||風力附加率 adiabatic humidification||附加耗熱量 adiabatic humidiflcation||絕熱加濕 adsorbate||吸附質 adsorbent||吸附劑 adsorber||吸附裝置 adsorption equipment||吸附裝置 adsorption of gas and vapor||氣體吸附 aerodynamic noise||空氣動力噪聲 aerosol||氣溶膠 air balance||風量平衡 air changes||換氣次數(shù) air channel||風道 air cleanliness||空氣潔凈度 air collector||集氣罐 air conditioning||空氣調節(jié) air conditioning condition||空調工況 air conditioning equipment||空氣調節(jié)設備 air conditioning machine room||空氣調節(jié)機房 air conditioning system||空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng) air conditioning system cooling load||空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng)冷負荷 air contaminant||空氣污染物 air-cooled condenser||風冷式冷凝器 air cooler||空氣冷卻器 air curtain||空氣幕 air cushion shock absorber||空氣彈簧隔振器 air distribution||氣流組織 air distributor||空氣分布器 air-douche unit with water atomization||噴霧風扇 air duct||風管、風道 air filter||空氣過濾器 air handling equipment||空氣調節(jié)設備 air handling unit room||空氣調節(jié)機房 air header||集合管 air humidity||空氣濕度 air inlet||風口 air intake||進風口 air manifold||集合管 air opening||風口 air pollutant||空氣污染物 air pollution||大氣污染 air preheater||空氣預熱器 air return method||回風方式 air return mode||回風方式 air return through corridor||走廊回風 air space||空氣間層 air supply method||送風方式 air supply mode||送風方式 || air supply (suction) opening with slide plate||插板式送(吸)風口 || air supply volume per unit area||單位面積送風量 || air temperature||空氣溫度 air through tunnel||地道風 || air-to-air total heat exchanger||全熱換熱器 air-to-cloth ratio||氣布比 air velocity at work area||作業(yè)地帶空氣流速 air velocity at work place||工作地點空氣流速 air vent||放氣閥 air-water systen||空氣—水系統(tǒng) airborne particles||大氣塵 air hater||空氣加熱器 airspace||空氣間層 alarm signal||報警信號 ail-air system||全空氣系統(tǒng) all-water system||全水系統(tǒng) allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity||室內(nèi)溫濕度允許波動范圍 ambient noise||環(huán)境噪聲 ammonia||氨 amplification factor of centrolled plant||調節(jié)對象放大系數(shù) amplitude||振幅 anergy||@|| angle of repose||安息角 ange of slide||滑動角 angle scale||熱濕比 angle valve||角閥 annual [value]||歷年值 annual coldest month||歷年最冷月 annual hottest month||歷年最熱月 anticorrosive||緩蝕劑 antifreeze agent||防凍劑 antifreeze agent||防凍劑 apparatus dew point||機器露點 apparent density||堆積密度 aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine||氨—水吸收式制冷機 aspiation psychrometer||通風溫濕度計 Assmann aspiration psychrometer||通風溫濕度計 atmospheric condenser||淋激式冷凝器 atmospheric diffusion||大氣擴散 atmospheric dust||大氣塵 atmospheric pollution||大氣污染 atmospheric pressure||大氣壓力( atmospheric stability||大氣穩(wěn)定度 atmospheric transparency||大氣透明度 atmospheric turblence||大氣湍流 automatic control||自動控制 automatic roll filter||自動卷繞式過濾器 automatic vent||自動放氣閥 available pressure||資用壓力 average daily sol-air temperature||日平均綜合溫度 axial fan||軸流式通風機 azeotropic mixture refrigerant||共沸溶液制冷劑 B back-flow preventer||防回流裝置 back pressure of steam trap||凝結水背壓力 back pressure return余壓回水 background noise||背景噪聲 back plate||擋風板 bag filler||袋式除塵器 baghouse||袋式除塵器 barometric pressure||大氣壓力 basic heat loss||基本耗熱量 hend muffler||消聲彎頭 bimetallic thermometer||雙金屬溫度計 black globe temperature||黑球溫度 blow off pipe||排污管 blowdown||排污管 boiler||鍋爐 boiller house||鍋爐房 boiler plant||鍋爐房 boiler room||鍋爐房 booster||加壓泵 branch||支管 branch duct||(通風) 支管 branch pipe||支管 building envelope||圍護結構 building flow zones||建筑氣流區(qū) building heating entry||熱力入口 bulk density||堆積密度 bushing||補心 butterfly damper||蝶閥 by-pass damper||空氣加熱器)旁通閥 by-pass pipe||旁通管 C canopy hood ||傘形罩 capillary tube||毛細管 capture velocity||控制風速 capture velocity||外部吸氣罩 capturing hood ||卡諾循環(huán) Carnot cycle||串級調節(jié)系統(tǒng) cascade control system||鑄鐵散熱器 cast iron radiator||催化燃燒 catalytic oxidation ||催化燃燒 ceilling fan||吊扇 ceiling panelheating||頂棚輻射采暖 center frequency||中心頻率 central air conditionint system ||集中式空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng) central heating||集中采暖 central ventilation system||新風系統(tǒng) centralized control||集中控制 centrifugal compressor||離心式壓縮機 entrifugal fan||離心式通風機 || check damper||(通風)止回閥 || check valve||止回閥 || chilled water||冷水 chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps||一、二次泵冷水系統(tǒng) chimney||(排氣)煙囪 circuit||環(huán)路 circulating fan||風扇 circulating pipe||循環(huán)管 circulating pump||循環(huán)泵 clean room||潔凈室 cleaning hole||清掃孔 cleaning vacuum plant||真空吸塵裝置 cleanout opening||清掃孔 clogging capacity||容塵量 close nipple||長絲 closed booth||大容積密閉罩 closed full flow return||閉式滿管回水 closed loop control||閉環(huán)控制 closed return||閉式回水 closed shell and tube condenser||臥式殼管式冷凝器 closed shell and tube evaporator||臥式殼管式蒸發(fā)器 closed tank||閉式水箱 coefficient of accumulation of heat||蓄熱系數(shù) coefficient of atmospheric transpareney||大氣透明度 coefficient of effective heat emission||散熱量有效系數(shù) coficient of effective heat emission||傳熱系數(shù) coefficient of locall resistance||局部阻力系數(shù) coefficient of thermal storage||蓄熱系數(shù) coefficient of vapor||蒸汽滲透系數(shù) coefficient of vapor||蒸汽滲透系數(shù) coil||盤管 collection efficiency||除塵效率 combustion of gas and vapor||氣體燃燒 comfort air conditioning||舒適性空氣調節(jié) common section||共同段 compensator||補償器 components||(通風〕部件 compression||壓縮 compression-type refrigerating machine||壓縮式制冷機 compression-type refrigerating system||壓縮式制冷系統(tǒng) compression-type refrigeration||壓縮式制冷 compression-type refrigeration cycle||壓縮式制冷循環(huán) compression-type water chiller||壓縮式冷水機組 concentratcd heating||集中采暖 concentration of narmful substance||有害物質濃度 condensate drain pan||凝結水盤 condensate pipe||凝結水管 condensate pump||凝縮水泵 condensate tank||凝結水箱 condensation||冷凝 condensation of vapor||氣體冷凝 condenser||冷凝器 condensing pressure||冷凝壓力 condensing temperature||冷凝溫度 condensing unit||壓縮冷凝機組 conditioned space||空氣調節(jié)房間 conditioned zone||空氣調節(jié)區(qū) conical cowl||錐形風帽 constant humidity system||恒濕系統(tǒng) constant temperature and humidity system||恒溫恒濕系統(tǒng) constant temperature system 恒溫系統(tǒng) constant value control 定值調節(jié) constant volume air conditioning system||定風量空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng) continuous dust dislodging||連續(xù)除灰 continuous dust dislodging||連續(xù)除灰 continuous heating||連續(xù)采暖 contour zone||穩(wěn)定氣流區(qū) control device||控制裝置 control panel||控制屏 control valve||調節(jié)閥 control velocity||控制風速 controlled natural ventilation||有組織自然通風 controlled plant||調節(jié)對象 controlled variable||被控參數(shù) controller||調節(jié)器 convection heating||對流采暖 convector||對流散熱器 cooling||降溫、冷卻(、) cooling air curtain||冷風幕 cooling coil||冷盤管 cooling coil section||冷卻段 cooling load from heat||傳熱冷負荷 cooling load from outdoor air||新風冷負荷 cooling load from ventilation||新風冷負荷 cooling load temperature||冷負荷溫度 cooling system||降溫系統(tǒng) cooling tower||冷卻塔 cooling unit||冷風機組 cooling water||冷卻水 correcting element||調節(jié)機構 correcting unit||執(zhí)行器 correction factor for orientaion||朝向修正率 corrosion inhibitor||緩蝕劑 coupling||管接頭 cowl||傘形風帽 criteria for noise control cross||噪聲控頻標準 cross fan||四通 crross-flow fan||貫流式通風機 cross-ventilation||穿堂風 cut diameter||分割粒徑 cyclone||旋風除塵器 cyclone dust separator||旋風除塵器 cylindrical ventilator||筒形風帽 D daily range||日較差 damping factot||衰減倍數(shù) data scaning||巡回檢測 days of heating period||采暖期天數(shù) deafener||消聲器 decibel(dB)||分貝 degree-days of heating period||采暖期度日數(shù) degree of subcooling||過冷度 degree of superheat||過熱度 dehumidification||減濕 dehumidifying cooling||減濕冷卻 density of dust particle||真密度 derivative time||微分時間 design conditions||計算參數(shù) desorption||解吸 detecting element||檢測元件 detention period||延遲時間 deviation||偏差 dew-point temperature||露點溫度 dimond-shaped damper||菱形葉片調節(jié)閥 differential pressure type flowmeter||差壓流量計 diffuser air supply||散流器 diffuser air supply||散流器送風 direct air conditioning system 直流式空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng) direct combustion 直接燃燒 direct-contact heat exchanger 汽
A A-weighted sound pressure level||A聲級 absolute humidity||絕對濕度 absolute roughness||絕對粗糙度 absorbate 吸收質 absorbent 吸收劑 absorbent||吸聲材料 absorber||吸收器 absorptance for solar radiation||太陽輻射熱吸收系數(shù) absorption equipment||吸收裝置 absorption of gas and vapor||氣體吸收 absorptiong refrige rationg cycle||吸收式制冷循環(huán) absorption-type refrigerating machine||吸收式制冷機 access door||檢查門 acoustic absorptivity||吸聲系數(shù) actual density||真密度 actuating element||執(zhí)行機構 actuator||執(zhí)行機構 adaptive control system||自適應控制系統(tǒng) additional factor for exterior door||外門附加率 additional factor for intermittent heating||間歇附加率 additional factor for wind force||高度附加率 additional heat loss||風力附加率 adiabatic humidification||附加耗熱量 adiabatic humidiflcation||絕熱加濕 adsorbate||吸附質 adsorbent||吸附劑 adsorber||吸附裝置 adsorption equipment||吸附裝置 adsorption of gas and vapor||氣體吸附 aerodynamic noise||空氣動力噪聲 aerosol||氣溶膠 air balance||風量平衡 air changes||換氣次數(shù) air channel||風道 air cleanliness||空氣潔凈度 air collector||集氣罐 air conditioning||空氣調節(jié) air conditioning condition||空調工況 air conditioning equipment||空氣調節(jié)設備 air conditioning machine room||空氣調節(jié)機房 air conditioning system||空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng) air conditioning system cooling load||空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng)冷負荷 air contaminant||空氣污染物 air-cooled condenser||風冷式冷凝器 air cooler||空氣冷卻器 air curtain||空氣幕 air cushion shock absorber||空氣彈簧隔振器 air distribution||氣流組織 air distributor||空氣分布器 air-douche unit with water atomization||噴霧風扇 air duct||風管、風道 air filter||空氣過濾器 air handling equipment||空氣調節(jié)設備 air handling unit room||空氣調節(jié)機房 air header||集合管 air humidity||空氣濕度 air inlet||風口 air intake||進風口 air manifold||集合管 air opening||風口 air pollutant||空氣污染物 air pollution||大氣污染 air preheater||空氣預熱器 air return method||回風方式 air return mode||回風方式 air return through corridor||走廊回風 air space||空氣間層 air supply method||送風方式 air supply mode||送風方式 || air supply (suction) opening with slide plate||插板式送(吸)風口 || air supply volume per unit area||單位面積送風量 || air temperature||空氣溫度 air through tunnel||地道風 || air-to-air total heat exchanger||全熱換熱器 air-to-cloth ratio||氣布比 air velocity at work area||作業(yè)地帶空氣流速 air velocity at work place||工作地點空氣流速 air vent||放氣閥 air-water systen||空氣—水系統(tǒng) airborne particles||大氣塵 air hater||空氣加熱器 airspace||空氣間層 alarm signal||報警信號 ail-air system||全空氣系統(tǒng) all-water system||全水系統(tǒng) allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity||室內(nèi)溫濕度允許波動范圍 ambient noise||環(huán)境噪聲 ammonia||氨 amplification factor of centrolled plant||調節(jié)對象放大系數(shù) amplitude||振幅 anergy||@|| angle of repose||安息角 ange of slide||滑動角 angle scale||熱濕比 angle valve||角閥 annual [value]||歷年值 annual coldest month||歷年最冷月 annual hottest month||歷年最熱月 anticorrosive||緩蝕劑 antifreeze agent||防凍劑 antifreeze agent||防凍劑 apparatus dew point||機器露點 apparent density||堆積密度 aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine||氨—水吸收式制冷機 aspiation psychrometer||通風溫濕度計 Assmann aspiration psychrometer||通風溫濕度計 atmospheric condenser||淋激式冷凝器 atmospheric diffusion||大氣擴散 atmospheric dust||大氣塵 atmospheric pollution||大氣污染 atmospheric pressure||大氣壓力( atmospheric stability||大氣穩(wěn)定度 atmospheric transparency||大氣透明度 atmospheric turblence||大氣湍流 automatic control||自動控制 automatic roll filter||自動卷繞式過濾器 automatic vent||自動放氣閥 available pressure||資用壓力 average daily sol-air temperature||日平均綜合溫度 axial fan||軸流式通風機 azeotropic mixture refrigerant||共沸溶液制冷劑 B back-flow preventer||防回流裝置 back pressure of steam trap||凝結水背壓力 back pressure return余壓回水 background noise||背景噪聲 back plate||擋風板 bag filler||袋式除塵器 baghouse||袋式除塵器 barometric pressure||大氣壓力 basic heat loss||基本耗熱量 hend muffler||消聲彎頭 bimetallic thermometer||雙金屬溫度計 black globe temperature||黑球溫度 blow off pipe||排污管 blowdown||排污管 boiler||鍋爐 boiller house||鍋爐房 boiler plant||鍋爐房 boiler room||鍋爐房 booster||加壓泵 branch||支管 branch duct||(通風) 支管 branch pipe||支管 building envelope||圍護結構 building flow zones||建筑氣流區(qū) building heating entry||熱力入口 bulk density||堆積密度 bushing||補心 butterfly damper||蝶閥 by-pass damper||空氣加熱器)旁通閥 by-pass pipe||旁通管 C canopy hood ||傘形罩 capillary tube||毛細管 capture velocity||控制風速 capture velocity||外部吸氣罩 capturing hood ||卡諾循環(huán) Carnot cycle||串級調節(jié)系統(tǒng) cascade control system||鑄鐵散熱器 cast iron radiator||催化燃燒 catalytic oxidation ||催化燃燒 ceilling fan||吊扇 ceiling panelheating||頂棚輻射采暖 center frequency||中心頻率 central air conditionint system ||集中式空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng) central heating||集中采暖 central ventilation system||新風系統(tǒng) centralized control||集中控制 centrifugal compressor||離心式壓縮機 entrifugal fan||離心式通風機 || check damper||(通風)止回閥 || check valve||止回閥 || chilled water||冷水 chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps||一、二次泵冷水系統(tǒng) chimney||(排氣)煙囪 circuit||環(huán)路 circulating fan||風扇 circulating pipe||循環(huán)管 circulating pump||循環(huán)泵 clean room||潔凈室 cleaning hole||清掃孔 cleaning vacuum plant||真空吸塵裝置 cleanout opening||清掃孔 clogging capacity||容塵量 close nipple||長絲 closed booth||大容積密閉罩 closed full flow return||閉式滿管回水 closed loop control||閉環(huán)控制 closed return||閉式回水 closed shell and tube condenser||臥式殼管式冷凝器 closed shell and tube evaporator||臥式殼管式蒸發(fā)器 closed tank||閉式水箱 coefficient of accumulation of heat||蓄熱系數(shù) coefficient of atmospheric transpareney||大氣透明度 coefficient of effective heat emission||散熱量有效系數(shù) coficient of effective heat emission||傳熱系數(shù) coefficient of locall resistance||局部阻力系數(shù) coefficient of thermal storage||蓄熱系數(shù) coefficient of vapor||蒸汽滲透系數(shù) coefficient of vapor||蒸汽滲透系數(shù) coil||盤管 collection efficiency||除塵效率 combustion of gas and vapor||氣體燃燒 comfort air conditioning||舒適性空氣調節(jié) common section||共同段 compensator||補償器 components||(通風〕部件 compression||壓縮 compression-type refrigerating machine||壓縮式制冷機 compression-type refrigerating system||壓縮式制冷系統(tǒng) compression-type refrigeration||壓縮式制冷 compression-type refrigeration cycle||壓縮式制冷循環(huán) compression-type water chiller||壓縮式冷水機組 concentratcd heating||集中采暖 concentration of narmful substance||有害物質濃度 condensate drain pan||凝結水盤 condensate pipe||凝結水管 condensate pump||凝縮水泵 condensate tank||凝結水箱 condensation||冷凝 condensation of vapor||氣體冷凝 condenser||冷凝器 condensing pressure||冷凝壓力 condensing temperature||冷凝溫度 condensing unit||壓縮冷凝機組 conditioned space||空氣調節(jié)房間 conditioned zone||空氣調節(jié)區(qū) conical cowl||錐形風帽 constant humidity system||恒濕系統(tǒng) constant temperature and humidity system||恒溫恒濕系統(tǒng) constant temperature system 恒溫系統(tǒng) constant value control 定值調節(jié) constant volume air conditioning system||定風量空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng) continuous dust dislodging||連續(xù)除灰 continuous dust dislodging||連續(xù)除灰 continuous heating||連續(xù)采暖 contour zone||穩(wěn)定氣流區(qū) control device||控制裝置 control panel||控制屏 control valve||調節(jié)閥 control velocity||控制風速 controlled natural ventilation||有組織自然通風 controlled plant||調節(jié)對象 controlled variable||被控參數(shù) controller||調節(jié)器 convection heating||對流采暖 convector||對流散熱器 cooling||降溫、冷卻(、) cooling air curtain||冷風幕 cooling coil||冷盤管 cooling coil section||冷卻段 cooling load from heat||傳熱冷負荷 cooling load from outdoor air||新風冷負荷 cooling load from ventilation||新風冷負荷 cooling load temperature||冷負荷溫度 cooling system||降溫系統(tǒng) cooling tower||冷卻塔 cooling unit||冷風機組 cooling water||冷卻水 correcting element||調節(jié)機構 correcting unit||執(zhí)行器 correction factor for orientaion||朝向修正率 corrosion inhibitor||緩蝕劑 coupling||管接頭 cowl||傘形風帽 criteria for noise control cross||噪聲控頻標準 cross fan||四通 crross-flow fan||貫流式通風機 cross-ventilation||穿堂風 cut diameter||分割粒徑 cyclone||旋風除塵器 cyclone dust separator||旋風除塵器 cylindrical ventilator||筒形風帽 D daily range||日較差 damping factot||衰減倍數(shù) data scaning||巡回檢測 days of heating period||采暖期天數(shù) deafener||消聲器 decibel(dB)||分貝 degree-days of heating period||采暖期度日數(shù) degree of subcooling||過冷度 degree of superheat||過熱度 dehumidification||減濕 dehumidifying cooling||減濕冷卻 density of dust particle||真密度 derivative time||微分時間 design conditions||計算參數(shù) desorption||解吸 detecting element||檢測元件 detention period||延遲時間 deviation||偏差 dew-point temperature||露點溫度 dimond-shaped damper||菱形葉片調節(jié)閥 differential pressure type flowmeter||差壓流量計 diffuser air supply||散流器 diffuser air supply||散流器送風 direct air conditioning system 直流式空氣調節(jié)系統(tǒng) direct combustion 直接燃燒 direct-contact heat exchanger 汽
- 1暗促-酒店玫瑰靜悄悄地開 372
- 2終端陳列十五大原則 383
- 3專業(yè)廣告運作模式 345
- 4****主營業(yè)務發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略設計 376
- 5中小企業(yè)物流發(fā)展的對策 394
- 6主顧開拓 483
- 7主動推進的客戶服務 343
- 8專業(yè)媒體策劃與購買 373
- 9中遠電視廣告CF 418
- 1社會保障基礎知識(ppt) 16695
- 2安全生產(chǎn)事故案例分析(ppt 16695
- 3行政專員崗位職責 16695
- 4品管部崗位職責與任職要求 16695
- 5員工守則 16695
- 6軟件驗收報告 16695
- 7問卷調查表(范例) 16695
- 8工資發(fā)放明細表 16695
- 9文件簽收單 16695