









Repertory Grid mentor statements produced during the CPD meeting March 31st 1999 A verbatim summary from Andrew Gibbons You will recall, the statements below were generated by you, sorting sets of three cards at a time from a pool of nine people you know well enough to contrast mentoring competence with reference to the following sentence: In terms of what it takes to be a skilled Mentor, what specifically makes two similar, and different to the other one? I hope it helps that I have sorted the statements into my interpretation of what is helpful and what is not. I have been careful not to put a ‘spin’ on the raw data you produced, and I’ve only adjusted your words to read as singular descriptors - so for instance, ‘they always find time’ becomes ‘a(chǎn)lways finds time’. Every decipherable statement has been noted, I have only excluded exact repeats. If you want a set of your own in electronic format I will happy to E.mail them on - you only have to ask. Well done folks, considering the repertory grid was unfamiliar as a tool, this is a most impressive list, generated in 35 minutes! Anyway, here they come. Helpful statements 1. Listens to the whole issue before commenting. 2. Very direct in approach. 3. Sympathetic but fair. 4. Professional attitude - direct. 5. Gives advice but expects one to make own decision - whether in line or not. 6. Patience. 7. Does not seek to blame - stays neutral. 8. Finds time to help. 9. Questions to find the main problem. 10. Gives controversial views. 11. Will give honest answers. 12. Takes a light hearted view. 13. Would give good advice. 14. Gives honest answers. 15. Gives a view to suit the situation. 16. Tries to help in any situation. 17. Would give honest opinion. 18. Advise on correct policy. 19. Takes a light hearted view. 20. Gives helpful answer. 21. Follows up discussions for development ideas. 22. Good range of networks and contacts that can be utilised. 23. Appreciates effects of personal concerns. 24. Not intimidating - easy to approach at any time. 25. Proactive approach to development. 26. Knows what they are talking about - good at own job. 27. Realises the reality within which you work. 28. Questioning, and helps think through. 29. Always interested and focused on my needs and development during a mentoring session. 30. Always relaxed and smiling. 31. Talks on the same wavelength about training and development. 32. Often initiates a mentoring session. 33. Actively questions me. 34. Waits for me to make statement then comments. 35. Always seems to have plenty of time to talk, not waiting to do something else. 36. Rarely if ever speaks on the telephone - but often face to face. 37. More focused on what I am doing - always questioning and interested. 38. Demonstrates personal concern for me outwith the work role. 39. Calm approach, persuasive, model to follow. 40. Encouraging. 41. Approachable at all times. 42. Makes sure your work is successful - helpful and constructive, modest despite high achievements. 43. Well prepared in advance - stimulating company. 44. Keeps in touch, makes a number of small points. 45. Persistent to achieve ‘perfect’ result. 46. Imaginative, thinking of novel solutions, noted for hard work. 47. Available on telephone. 48. Very encouraging in what I want/can achieve. 49. Are a role model in terms of their own achievements. 50. Makes me believe in my potential. 51. Is easy to talk to in both a social and work capacity. 52. Takes in and remembers my past experience. 53. Able to bring humour into work-based discussion - helps me feel at ease. 54. Keeps a conversation interesting and ‘a(chǎn)live’. 55. Introduces options which may not have been considered. 56. Keeps to an agenda to ensure the job is done. 57. Is well respected in their position. 58. Talks to me as an equal. 59. Good role model, proactive, I respect and like them, logical thinker. 60. Intellectually focused, passive/receptive. 61. Has clear career objectives, always has time. 62. Supportive. 63. Intellectually stimulating/challenging. 64. Can make time for discussion, intellectually challenging. 65. Clear thinker, problem solver. 66. Understanding of relevant issues, always has time. 67. Wide knowledge to consider solutions. 68. Willing to listen supportive of ideas, I like them. 69. Intellectually challenging. 70. Makes time for you, intellectually challenging. 71. Logical thinker. 72. Approachable, problem solver, relevant knowledge. 73. Stretching, approachable. 74. Broad knowledge to guide through process. 75. Theoretical base to pose solutions. 76. Readily accessible. 77. Challenges assumptions and questions actively. 78. Meetings are an opportunity to exchange information. 79. Mentor keeps issues personal to Mentor out of Mentor/student exchange. 80. Mentor is supportive of students’ achievements and does not give the impression of feeling threatened. 81. Mentor is happy for student to develop their own style of dealing with issues. 82. Mentor is able to interact socially with student. 83. Mentor is able to stand back from mentoring relationship when it is no longer relevant but can still interact with student. 84. Shows empathy, decisive. 85. Sees the broadest picture. 86. Optimistic outlook. 87. Commitment is important. 88. Forward thinking. 89. Straight talking. 90. Practical approach adopted. 91. Open to persuasion. 92. Great patience. 93. Extroverted, rounded person, pragmatist. 94. Interested in people. 95. Inquiring minds, various interests. 96. Listening skills, warm personality. 97. Active family life. 98. Happy. 99. Active listener, non-judgmental. 100. Gives considered guidance, objective. 101. Is open to new ideas. 102. Helps to explore causes. 103. Suggests ways to overcome difficulties. 104. Is open to having views questions. 105. Helps in planning for the future. 106. Offers alternative visions for the future. 107. Fits new ideas into existing world-view. 108. Suggests how to deal with effects. 109. Helps address day-to-day issues. 110. Offers a coherent simple vision for the future. 111. Shows flexibility with mental models. 112. Good listener, approachable, knowledgeable of individual needs. 113. Questions well, good listener. 115. Active and organised, encourages feedback and regular reports. 116. Allows individual to ‘get on with job’, and ask questions when necessary. 117. Encourages development and initiative, allows professionals to make their own decisions (after all they are qualified!). 118. Good individual advice. 119. Good listening skills and approachable. 120. Listening and ‘people’ awareness. 121. Stability, approachable, good experience. 122. Drive, ‘high profile’. 123. Understanding nature. 124. Wise, and good communicator. 125. Responsive. 126. Professional, wise, and structured. 127. Business knowledge and experience. 128. Respected and knowledgeable in their field. 129. Senior individual who is respected. Makes time for people. 130. Are experienced mentors. 131. Enthusiasts in their field. 132. Very easy to approach and talk. 133. Lives good practice. 134. Enthusiastic about mentoring. 135. Very supportive, and makes time. 136. Very knowledgeable about developmental issues. 137. Patient, accommodating. 138. Encouraging, understanding, good listener. 139. Tolerant, confidence booster. 140. Patient, friendly, sympathetic. 141. Quietly interested. 142. Enthusiastic, supportive. 143. Inquiring. 144. Had clear career objectives. 145. Like them. 146. Able to make difficult decisions. 147. Took time for people. 148. Able to ‘fit in’ with office culture. 149. Younger, with ‘new’ ideas. 150. Excellent organisational skills, so clear leads. 151. Considerate to others. 152. Female (shared experiences). 153. Good listener, fun, good company, so I enjoy spending time with them. 154. Sensitive and active listener. 155. I know him well. 156. Nonconformist, so can come up with different ways of looking at things. 157. Older, with ideas based on experience. 158. Enabling, caring, open and facilitative. 159. Respectful of authority, supportive. 160. Trusting, supportive and genuine. 161. Prepared to learn with you, and has a genuine desire to empower. 162. Empowering, sees learning as mutual, supportive and challenging. 163. Nurturing relationship, sees learning as mutual, supportive and challenging. 164. Genuine caring approach. 165. Trustworthy, enables rather than controls. 166. Task centred, accepts being challenged, prepared to compromise. 167. Gives constructive and positive feedback. 168. Gives total respect, authority, is informed, cares, and gives constant positive feedback. 169. Allows you freedom and confidence to make mistakes. 170. Is interested in me. 171. Empathetic, trained Counsellor. 172. Practical. 173. Strong, independent thinker. 174. Professional, trustworthy as confidante - I like them! 175. I respect her professionally. 176. Good listening skills, non-judgmental. 177. Approachable, good listener. 178. Is concerned about the individual being mentored. 179. Sound judgement - able to distance themselves/ be objective. 180. Experience in management 181. Interested in developing the Mentee to help themselves. 182. Good listener - ready to listen and set time aside. 183. Genuine concern about welfare, providing secure backdrop to develop necessary skills. 184. Providing space for development to occur - guidance from a distance. 185. Rewarding development with praise. 186. Actively interested - encouraging me to develop skills/training and follows up post course/event. 187. Truly understanding value of development and keen to provide an equal basis to discuss matters. 188. Impartial regarding route development should take. 189. Keen to allow me to make own decisions. 190. Provides subtle guidance but still ensures I make any decisions....


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