Performance Management Discussion










Performance Management Discussion
Performance Management Discussion
Why do we need PM?
Set individual work targets
Measure Productivity
Way of making comparisons
Systematic way of measuring people’s capability
Key Reference of paying people
Key reference of promoting people
Way of communications
Way of motivating people
Identifying the low performers, important facts when firing people
Way of Coaching
Building Company Cultures
Align company goal with organization goal and individual’s objectives
General Process of PM system
Objective Setting : What will be measured and how?
Feedback & Coaching : Where and how to improve?
Performance Appraisal : How good or how bad you have done ?
Rewarding : How much you will be paid ?
Do we have problems with PM?
How to deal with un-measurable goals?
Business change very fast, how fast we should change the objectives ?
How do we ensure the fairness? Who determine my rating ?
Who is rating my manager? Why not us?
Too much paperwork? Always late and incomplete.
Everyone gets A but the company is in tank.
Disagree on the PM results? How to resolve conflicts?
How to link PM with culture building ?
Everyone hats it but every does it?

What are the reasons ?
Conflict of PM system objectives ?
Relay on layered organization structure?
It is hard to measure people’s behaviors which matters a lot in work place today?
It has been too much on management side ?
Feedback and coaching needs special skills?
It is challenging to deliver negative comments to anybody.
Do we have solutions ?
Balance : Coaching vs. Evaluating
Balance : Hard targets vs. soft targets
Balance : Mag. Drive vs. Emp. Involvement
Balance : Top Down vs. Bottom Up
Balance : Mag. Evaluation vs. Multiple Feedback sources
Balance : Systemic Process vs. Flexibility
Something new in PM
MBO rather than PM
Project Based Performance Appraisal
PM for feedback and coaching only
360 degree feedbacks
Competence Based compensation

Performance Management Discussion


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